Confession: when no one is around, I talk to myself. Yep. I pace around my house and read the same document to myself repeatedly with different inflections. I’ll listen for the version that sounds best, the sentences that feel the most natural coming out of my mouth, and the areas that need a good rework.… Read more »
Getting the Most Out of Conferences
I’m usually behind the scenes at conferences – helping clients find conferences to attend or speak at, or assisting with their presentations and booth set-ups. So whenever I attend a conference or large event, it makes me think about the differences between being an attendee and being a vendor, a sponsor, or a company with… Read more »
From transaction to interaction: Brands in the modern tech landscape
In the not too distant past, brands were fairly contained organisms. A logo might have lived on a street sign, on a product, in a magazine advertisement… and that’s it. The companies those brands represented were focused on a simple transaction: money for goods or services. Today, things are a bit different. From blogs to… Read more »
Innovate Authentically: The importance of purpose when trying something new

The below article was featured in The Economist’s 2016 Innovation Forum event summary. Blue Daring partnered with The Economist to host the Forum in Chicago this Spring. The Forum brings together today’s leading thinkers to envision how companies can transform and adapt to flourish tomorrow. While adopting a culture of innovation has many benefits like product… Read more »
I’m With the Brand

“Yeah, this is the 10th time I’ve seen them play.” I overhead this while waiting for a band to come up on stage. Interestingly enough, it’s not the first time. It got me thinking–how is it that these local bands gain such a passionate following? Especially when the promos and posters for each show they play represents them… Read more »
The Company That Cried “Innovation” and a Ridiculous Case Study That Has To Do With Cats
People ask me to create messaging to drive others to engage with them. When I ask them how they would like to be perceived, the number one word I hear is (you guessed it) — Innovative. Innovate, Innovation, Innovating… any variation you like. But heed my warning — the word is in danger of losing its weight. While “innovation” is a potent… Read more »
Innovate With What You’ve Got
Many companies hear the word innovation and get nervous. Although innovation suggests change, you don’t have to shake things up completely to see the impact. What do you do really well? Instead of trying to chase a fleeting industry trend or blindly add new areas of specialty to your company, take the the time to… Read more »