This past weekend I took a short trip to New York. Being a city girl myself I have always had an appreciation for bustling towns so naturally I love the big apple. As always when I travel I tend to forget a few things so I popped into a drug store. As I waited in line to check out and noticed a poster by the register of what looked like a sci-fi movie ad. When I got closer I realized it was a picture of a blackened lung with an anti-smoking message from New York City’s health department. The ad is part of the new anti-smoking campaign from the city’s health department showing shocking photography of exactly what smoking does to your body. This is not the first time the health department has taken this type of controversial approach. Last year the NYC health department had advertisements warning of the health risks of soda. The ads depicted soda bottles filled with body fat being poured into drinking glasses. New York also has free condoms available at stores through out the city to promote safe sex. A lot of people think these sort of initiatives are vulgar but I find them not only refreshing but totally appropriate. New York is known for being this sort of gritty and real city. Deemed the city that never sleeps, everyone in NY is always on the go and in hurry. New Yorkers get a bad wrap for being “mean” but in actuality they are just so on the move they don’t have time for unnecessary pleasantries and small talk. A feel good wordy advertisement would be totally wasted on this fast-paced community. Here at Blue Daring we really value information consumption. We think it is important to understand your target audience and deliver your message in a consumable way that resonates with them. The NYC Health department presented a real in-your-face ad approach to a real in-your-face city. Would this campaign work in a small middle-of-nowhere town? Fuggedaboutit no chance. But it is right at home in New York. Knowing your audience and adapting to their tone and lifestyle is a sure fire way to have a successful campaign.