Everyday I see a new sign going up for a new store or an online ad for a new product. Before I can even settle down on my laptop to Google these new brands it seems they have already closed up shop. Many people have a great idea but fail to take the time to strategically plan a successful launch. Before you let a good idea turn into a waste of time take these steps into consideration.\n\nHire Professionals! – Probably the number one step people feel they can bypass is hiring professionals to help them launch their brand. Most people avoid this step because they want to keep cost low. At first consultant fees may seem like a pretty penny but in actuality the money you will spend hiring experts is nothing compared to the money you could potentially lose by blindly going into a new venture. I recommend you seek out someone who can help you with the strategy of your launch as well as someone who can help with the look of your brand. In fact save yourself the hassle and hire a company that can do both!\n\nKnow your competition– Almost every wonderful idea you can think of belonged to someone else 5 minutes ago. Competition is everywhere and it’s important to know whether you stand a chance in your market or not. Research is critical in order to create a smart plan that stands out.\n\nStrategic planning is your friend – Take your time to develop a thorough strategic plan. Most launches fail because the people behind them never bothered to create a plan. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a great idea which can sometimes lead to off-the-cuff decisions. Just remember all buried treasures require a map to get to them.\n\nBaby steps– If your idea or product is as good as you think it is what’s the rush? There is no need to make a full investment right out the gate. A soft launch or test run to see how your new brand fares in low stakes situation will save you and your wallet from any unexpected curve balls.\n\nTime to assess – Once you have taken all the above mentioned steps take a step back and assess what you have learned. If people are raving about your soft launch it’s a good time to start making a significant investment into your brand. Did your test run fizzle? Perhaps it’s time to tweak a few things and go for a round two.\n\nLaunching a brand can seem a little overwhelming but a good idea paired with a good plan is always a success.
Good points! Every entrepreneur needs to take the time and read this blog post.