I’m usually behind the scenes at conferences – helping clients find conferences to attend or speak at, or assisting with their presentations and booth set-ups. So whenever I attend a conference or large event, it makes me think about the differences between being an attendee and being a vendor, a sponsor, or a company with… Read more »
The Company That Cried “Innovation” and a Ridiculous Case Study That Has To Do With Cats
People ask me to create messaging to drive others to engage with them. When I ask them how they would like to be perceived, the number one word I hear is (you guessed it) — Innovative. Innovate, Innovation, Innovating… any variation you like. But heed my warning — the word is in danger of losing its weight. While “innovation” is a potent… Read more »
Your Products Don’t Matter
Your brand’s value is not what you make or what you do. It’s certainly not your tagline. Your brand’s value is the net change your business catalyzes in your customer’s life—the purpose and goal of your products or services. Through this lens, Tesla does not make cars, but rather energy efficient solutions. Waste Management does not… Read more »
Language Leverage: Effective messaging starts with words
A few years ago, I made a mistake. It’s a common mistake that happens to the best of us, but I made it publicly and refused to recognize my error until it was too late. As a copywriter, I hold myself to certain standards of linguistic and literary abilities. I also entertain the notion of… Read more »
Let’s Get Physical

At Blue Daring I’m known for my ability to view things in a dimensional form. By that, I mean creating prototypes during the design process as well as always trying to infuse multilayered elements to enhance a simple idea. Earlier this year, our team embarked on a new project to celebrate the New Year–a customized… Read more »
Growth: The Sweetest of Deaths
If you have ever fallen in love with a restaurant, you’ll know about the heartbreak of crushed expectations when you visit them after their time in the spotlight. Why is it that the minute restaurants have to cater to a lot of people quickly, they lose the very thing that made them famous to begin… Read more »
Words Are Never Enough
While sitting at the Hyatt in Belgrade last month, I had an epiphany. My kuma Katarina, who I was meeting for coffee, walks in. We hug, say hello and she says: “You look good.” That afternoon I had my glasses on (which I never wear out of my home) and so I said “Are you… Read more »
High Frequency
After months of what feels like endless freezing temps, Chicago becomes a madhouse when summer arrives, with Chicagoans soaking up as much sun as possible at beaches and pools. I normally stay away from that crowded scene, but this year I decided I’d give it a try. First things first—I needed a swimsuit. So I… Read more »
Launching the New Blue: Lessons from Our Refresh
Many of you know the saying the shoemaker always goes barefoot. For those who don’t it means when a craftsman does not do for himself what he does for others. I started to feel that way about our brand. While our core philosophy has gone unchanged, the last five years [since our re-brand] have been so… Read more »
Take Off: 4 Cool Things About the Airport Business
For over 8 years, Blue Daring has been a proud business owner at O’Hare Airport. Through the Federal Aviation Authority’s Airport Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program, we were afforded the opportunity to partner with the country’s and later the world’s largest travel retailer as a minority stakeholder and partner in two concession operations at… Read more »