We celebrated our 18th birthday this June. Eighteen is when we enter adulthood, an age at which most of us start coming into our own. It’s a milestone that offers a chance to reflect as well as think about the future and how we’ll choose to grow up. Here are a few simple takeaways that… Read more »
More than Sauce: Branding Diversity

The perfect ad—you’ve seen it before. A group of friends or a family; one brown, one yellow, one white. A utopian mix of races, genders, even lifestyles. For decades, brands have approached diversity (and inclusion) in this way, and it makes sense. In fact, a 2016 study found that 80% of millennial parents enjoy seeing… Read more »
Talk to Me: Reading Out Loud as Part of the Writing Process
Confession: when no one is around, I talk to myself. Yep. I pace around my house and read the same document to myself repeatedly with different inflections. I’ll listen for the version that sounds best, the sentences that feel the most natural coming out of my mouth, and the areas that need a good rework.… Read more »
The Company That Cried “Innovation” and a Ridiculous Case Study That Has To Do With Cats
People ask me to create messaging to drive others to engage with them. When I ask them how they would like to be perceived, the number one word I hear is (you guessed it) — Innovative. Innovate, Innovation, Innovating… any variation you like. But heed my warning — the word is in danger of losing its weight. While “innovation” is a potent… Read more »
Words Are Never Enough
While sitting at the Hyatt in Belgrade last month, I had an epiphany. My kuma Katarina, who I was meeting for coffee, walks in. We hug, say hello and she says: “You look good.” That afternoon I had my glasses on (which I never wear out of my home) and so I said “Are you… Read more »
Values Always Win
Recently, my Facebook feed has been flooded with shares and likes of Always’ #LikeAGirl commercial. The three-minute ad explores our perceptions of what it means to do something “like a girl.” The moral being, acting “like a girl” should not be an insult. Although there is a part of me that wonders if this is… Read more »
Keeping the Spark Alive
I am a firm believer in the idea that brands should be approached and understood in the same way as our relationships. So, it’s no surprise that some playful Valentine’s Day relationship advice might actually reveal valuable insights for brands, particularly aging ones. Avoid a stale relationship or brand with these tips for keeping the… Read more »
How to Be an Exceptional Service Provider
As our company has grown over the last few years, we have found ourselves engaging not only more service providers, but further more sophisticated ones. As a person who defines their work as “being of service”, it has been interesting for me personally to be on the other side (for a change) of the service… Read more »
Bird’s the Word: How Dove Capitalizes on Cause and Conversation
While brainstorming for my last blog, I came across a few interesting articles about Dove and their on-going “Real Beauty” Campaign.\n\nThey came up with a clever guerilla marketing scheme (see full here) to target not their audience, but those who have a direct influence on their audience: the creative world that dictates what kind of… Read more »
Damage Control
Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only thing that is constant is change.” Our business environment changes every day and new challenges are around every corner. Forecasting is great but sometimes the sh!t hits the fan and damage control is your company’s only option. Applebee’s and BP show us the right way and the wrong way… Read more »