The Second Law

The second law of thermodynamics has many different interpretations. One that I find compelling is that the universe and everything in it gets more and more disorganized as time passes.\n\nThat is – of course – unless someone does something about it. On a large scale (Planets, stars, etc) it doesn’t affect our life much, but on a human scale, I think it’s very real.  Think about your life.  If you stopped and did nothing for the next few weeks without planning ahead, think about how crazy and disorganized your life would be!  We keep our lives going because we have unwritten procedures and policies in place that we try to follow closely. \n\nIn addition to fighting disorder, we have to fight something almost as important as the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  It’s called Procrastination.  Whether at home working on a project or on a project working from home, putting things off generally creates more disorder.\n\nBusiness is the same.\n\nYour business has procedures and policies that keep your company from spinning out of control.  It makes sense to put all these unwritten rules of your business on paper.  If you don’t put a system or strategy in place to run your company effectively, you’re just perpetuating disorder and the author of waste.   Further, the time is now, to take on a project to improve your company.  If you don’t, you’re just creating more work for yourself to clean up later.

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